Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Lists of Such Assassinations directly convey the hands of Foreign Countr Intelligent Secret Agency, It Maw be KGB, MOSAD, CIA, ISI Governing our Nation through Super imposed identity, be it be identit of Gandhi, Nehru , ZAKIR HUSSAIN his Son involved in hijaking the Air Force plane,

This Is an Article Circulated To Me by one of the Most prominent Personality During the Period when I was passing through Corridor of High Court Bar association and some individual of Top Intelligent Security has handed it over for My Protection. I circulate it as I know that every word written in this article has the glimpses of Truth About Indians Political  situtation. No evidences are left in all such political murders, starting from the murder of Lal Raj Pat Rao from Lathi Blow upon his Head ,  Swami Sardhya Nand Swami by Rasheed, Murder planted By Jawahar Lal Nehru of Chandra Shekhar Azad in Alfred Garden for giving Information of His where About by Nehru, when he Came to Meet Gandhi in TSHRAT VILLAH of MUBARAK Ali BARRISTER KNOWN AS ANAND BHAWAN,  Political Murder of Firoj Jahangir Khan Gandhi S/O Nawab Khan of Junagarh , the grooser in Ishrat Villah The HANGING of Bhagat Singh Azad Raj Guru on the Well acquittance of Gandhi, The Bisexual agent Of Britishers, The Killing of defence less Citizens in Jalian wala Bagh, The calculated Mass genocides of Hindus in Partitions, The Killing of Our Soldiers in Kashmir, Hyderabad and in Himalaya, The Kargil War Martyrs Or it may the Foist Attack on Predominant like  Sardar Ballabh bhai Patel bomb threat Planted by Gandhi- nehru close affinities nexus, what the people ,now suspects for panned attempt murder threat given to him or it may be murder of Sri Shyama Prasad Mukharjee after his arrest in Kasmir by Sheikh Abdullah, the cousin of Maulana Nehru false identity having suppresion of the name of Great Grand Father of Jawahar Lal Nehru namely Mr. Gyassuddin Gazi having threat to his life from the supporters of Emperor of Dehli namely Bahadur Shah Jafar , to whom gyassuddin gazi had dragged him being the KOTWAL of BRITISHERs , be it Air Marshall Mukerjee in Japan or Lal Bahadur Shastri in Tashkent or Nagarwalla of SBI in Delhi, Deen Dayal Upadhya By Indira Gandhi, to whom Atal Bijari Bajpai proded the cover of Hiding from the citizens following the Ideals of sri Viveka Nand Ji Swarswati, Daya Nand Swarswti , Neta Ji Subhash Chandra Bose, Nana Bhai Dashmukh Veer Savarkar and Syama Prasad Mukharjee. The Lists of Such Assassinations directly convey the hands of Foreign Countr Intelligent Secret Agency, It Maw be KGB, MOSAD, CIA, ISI Governing our Nation through Super imposed identity, be it be identit of Gandhi, Nehru , ZAKIR HUSSAIN his Son involved in hijaking the Air Force plane, in Which Air Marshal Sri Arjun Singh was traveling, FARRUKHDEEN ALI AHAMAD, Having kingpin in Bangla desi Muslims Migrations, this country is subjected to subjugation in the larger Conspiracy. Brewt Yes, belonging to top Secret Agency is the Son In Law of Mr. Man Mohan Singh and Now Our President has become Decorated Dummy Placed at the Highest Place in Our Country By No Other by Eu Pair Lady, entertaining her Customers in the Bar of England, from where she was Planted By palio Mani o- Stefano Nexus to Control Our Great Nation and Pt it to the naught of Abrogations and Subjugation, Be it Fair or the Haul infringement. The Series of political murder Committed one by one from the murder of San jay Gandhi in plane Crash, where in the Key to operate Swiss Bank Accounts were ultimately gone in the Hand of Indira Gandhi, resulting in her elimination by no other , but Sonia Gandhi by keeping Prime minister Body in the Ambesdor Car having no equipment of Medical Emergency in connivance with close nexus of Mr. R.k.Dhavan have been lying under the dark clouds about the integrity of this lady, planted by the KGB first by Russian Intelligent First and now by the CIA of Americans Intelligence, ith whon our Intelligent service namely the RAW has been Merged Completely. The Murder of Rajiv Gandhi By Lite Prabhakaran , In whose Connivance of 34 Antiques were stolen from our Nation by No other , but his Own wife Smt Sonia Gandhi Has well being established by the Close Affinities of Smt Bentica Roborto with the Lady Used for Assissnation of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. The Political Murder of Rajesh piolet, Madho Raj Sindhiya In suspicious Circumstances has came to the light and the finger of Suspicions point out the Culprit as no other than Smt Sonia Gandhi. the Murder has got the Back ground in case of Madho Rao Sindhiya was illicit relationship of this Lady, which Came to Notice Of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, when in 1980 at about 1.30 A.M. , Madho Rao Sindhya was Fully intoxicant was colluded inside the Car got the head injury lady associated in sex Namely Sanio Manio of Turin escaped, but the Student of IIT Delhi rescued him and provided the Medical assistance in Deep crisis. this Was the Same Madho Rao sindhiya , The successor of his Ansesters, who are having the blood of Anti Nationalist sPrit and Taking Advantage of their Terrorist activities in denying the hide in Rani Laxmi Bai in Gwalier, Indira Gandhi Got the Entire Jewelery being Stollen under the HIDES of INCOME TAX Department. Enforcement Wing. The list is quit eloberate and YSR Murder is also one emerged inside there. The Principle is that if you are Dishonest person, we can wipe out your Existence For Ever as the Principles of Islam and Christianity applied for their use UPON HINDUS, that once you are inside the inner circle of nexus of BRIBE, DECEIVE, DECEPTIVENESS in their identity for Sake of Money, The Betrayal from the Members of MANIO - STEFENO FAIMLY membership nexus is without default is punishable to death Penality. Why Afzal And Kasab are Safe in India? the Reason Behind this May be that The Parliamentarian Attacks and Attacks In Mumbai might have been planted By thois Faimly. Why the relatives of Roberts Vadehra Family were Eliminated one After Another, the reason is pure and simple that they refused to commit murder, robery and having deception with the Well Being Of this Nation. I Have the evidences that who as the Lady actually Planted the Murder of General Vaidhya?. The Creation of Bhiderwala and elimination of Sikhs Community was the Planning by No Other but this Lady ? DO YOU KNOW THAT THIS LADY IS SUFFERING FROM AIDS?. Who Will Be target Next? General Sri V.k.Singh Or Baba Ram Dev, It may Be Subramanian Swami, Yogesh Saxena General Secretary , Sandhya Jain, Ashok Himani Savarkar or it May Be Acharya Aaya Naresh of Udbheet Sthali at Raj Garh  Near Simla
Why The People Out Side INDIA IN EUROPE abd in America, China Australia  and even in UK Call US HOOKOO MONKEY And the WHY Diplomat Of  Singapore Called Us that INDIANS? INDIANS ARE IDIOTS, HALF HIDDEN AND HALF PROJECTED. We and SOMALIA, TANZANIA, NIGERIA, PERU, BRAZIL are Having the similar Genetic Background of Our Ancesters and THUS INDIANS ARE NO OTHER BUT PURCHASABLE COMMUNITY.

Friday, May 25, 2012

राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल से जुड़े अन्य गुनाहों की जानकारी

मित्रों क्या आप जानते है की शांत स्वभाव और साफसुथरे व्यक्तित्व के लिये जानी जाने वाली भारत की प्रथम महिला राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल चीनी मिल में ड्रग स्मगलिंग से लेकर कई बैंक घोटाले, जमिन घोटाले और हत्यारे भाई को सरंक्षण देने जैसे गंभीर गुनाहों में डूबी हुई है ? जानिये और शेयर कीजिये प्रतिभा का काला सच:

1. प्रतिभा महिला सहकारी बैंक जिसे उन्होंने 1973 में अन्य महिलाओं के लिए अपने नाम से स्थापित किया था 1995 में भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने इसे "कमजोर बैंक" की सूची में शामिल कर लिया। उन्होंने अपने परिवार के कई लोगों को इसमें निदेशक बनाया। प्रतिभा पाटिल अंत तक इसकी संस्थापक अध्यक्ष बनी रहीं और रिश्तेदारों कों करोडो के कर्ज बाटकर घोटाले किये।

2. प्रतिभा पाटिल मुंबई के श्रम साधना ट्रस्ट की मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी हैं। ट्रस्ट ने महाराष्ट्र में अपने द्वारा संचालित पॉलिटेक्निक से 2001 से 2003 के बीच 4.16 करोड़ रुपये निकाले जो नियमों का खुला उल्लंघन है। यह रकम इंस्टिट्यूट के विकास में इस्तेमाल की जानी चाहिए थी।'

3. प्रतिभा के चेयरमन रहते हुये संत मुक्ताबाई चीनी मिल में ड्रग्स स्मगलिंग नेटवर्क पाया गया था, इस मिल में प्रतिभा ने काई घोटाले भी किये और मिल ने बैंक से लिया हुआ कर्ज भी डूबा दिया.

4. कांग्रेस नेता व्ही.जी. पाटिल के हत्यारे अपने भाई को बचाने के लिए प्रतिभा ने राष्ट्रपति पद का दुरुपयोग किया था.

5. राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल की विदेश यात्राओं में सरकारी खजाने का करीब 205 करोड रूपया खर्च हो गया। यह एक रिकॉर्ड बन गया है। खर्च का ब्यौरा आरटीआई से हुआ है। प्रतिभा पाटिल ने अपने कार्यकाल में 12 विदेश यात्राएं कीं। इन विदेश यात्राओं के दौरान वह 79 दिन तक विदेशों में रहीं। उन्होंने सरकारी खजाने से अपने कई रिश्तेदारों कों भी विदेश यात्राए करवाई.

6. राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल के रिटायरमेंट निवास के लिए पुणे में सैनिकों की 5 एकड़ से अधिक 2.60 लाख रुपए वर्ग फुट की कीमत वाली जमीन आबंटित कर दी गई । प्रतिभा पाटिल पर आरोप है कि बंगला बनाने के लिए उन्होंने तय सीमा से 6 गुना अधिक सेना की जमीन कथित रूप से ‘हथिया’ ली। बाद में विवाद के चलते प्रतिभा अपना फैसला बदल लिया.

7. प्रतिभा पाटिल एक जमाने में इंदिरा गांधी के घर रसोई बनाने का काम करती थी. नेहरू-गांधी परिवार की वफादार होनी के नाते सोनिया गांधी ने उन्हें भारत का राष्ट्रपति बना दिया.

8. प्रतिभा पाटिल और उनके पारिवारिक सदस्यों की अंडमान-निकोबार द्वीप की तीन दिवसीय यात्रा को सुरक्षित बनाने के लिए सैकड़ों पेड़ों को बलि चढ़ा दिया गया। राष्ट्रपति के हेलिकॉप्टर के लिए हेलीपेड बनाने में 400 से ज्यादा पेड़ काट दिए गए। पोर्ट ब्लेयर में विमानतल से राज निवास के बीच कम से 60 पेड़ इसलिए बलि चढ़ गए, क्योंकि ये जहाँ राष्ट्रपति ठहरेंगी, वहाँ से बीच का नजारा देखने में बाधा खड़ी करते।

9. राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल से जुड़े अन्य गुनाहों की जानकारी के लिए पढ़े:

Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the late Rajiv Roberto Gandhi, hell bent to destroy India's culture, religion and its people.

A Visit to Sonia Gandhi's Birth Place; Yes, I am speaking here of Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the late Rajiv Roberto Gandhi, hell bent to destroy India's culture, religion and its people. A Visit to Orbassano, Sonia's Birth Place It has been a great tragedy that for the last several centuries our people have been kept in the dark about the true identity of our rulers. I am not speaking here of our common people who, in great measure, have been denied education and literacy, induced to lay down their lives in battles, almost like mercenaries; I am speaking here of our so called educated men who are more eager to know about lesbianism, an Islamic phenomenon, born in harems, than about the antecedents of their own foreign-born rulers. The thing has deteriorated so much that the entire country happily romps around today, with a foreign born woman of unknown pedigree. Yes, I am speaking here of Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the late Rajiv Roberto Gandhi, hell bent to destroy India's culture, religion and its people. Did you notice that we are never told about the roots of Sonia, her background, her family, how many brothers and sisters she has, the name of her father, his profession, which town or village she comes from, in small little things that familiarize the people with the self-appointed ruler by virtue of an accidental wedding abroad? In India, we are not told the name of Rajiv's paternal grandfather or how did the universal uncle Jawahar Lal died or wherefrom did the adjunct 'Nehru' come from! Moti Lal's father's name was Ganga Dhar; why then Moti Lal was not named Moti Lal Dhar? And so on and so forth; we have a great deal of unknowns to discover and be familiar with. I therefore set out to discover myself the small village where Sonia hails from. After some inquiries, I discovered that Sonia was born some 52 years ago in the small village called Orbassano, just outside Turin (called Torino in Italian), in the north of the country, at the foothills of the Alps.)" " The next night I invited the two Italian getlemen to dine with me. I asked them what they knew about the love affair between Rajiv (il presidente indiano), a Mohammedan boy and Sonia, a thoroughbred 'cattolica' of Orbassano. Didn't her father have anything to say to this inter-faith marriage? I was told that Sonia's father, a simple man named Stephano Maino, used to be a staunch fascist (never mind Sonia's leftist stance today) and supporter of Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy then. Stephano was an upcoming party-man at the time. He was among those hoodlums who used to round up leftists and force feed them with bottles of castor oil. This was common at the time, all over Italy. The men would vomit and foul their pants, would be ridiculed in public and punished by long jail sentences so that their will could be broken. And in due course Stephano rose in ranks and eventually was sent to the eastern front to fight the Russians. He was captured and had to pass many months in Russian prison camps where he, for the first time came in touch with Russian women jail-keepers with names like Sonia and Marouchka. It was after his return from the front, after the war was over, that Stephano returned home in Orbassano and sired the two daughters, whom he named with Russian names, Sonia and Marouchka. He became a contractor of some sort and no longer a party-man; there was no party then! On the subject of the inter-religious marriage with Rajiv, the 'indiano', I was told that Stephano was too angry at first to give his blessing to the marriage. At the beginning, Rajiv denied his Islamic roots and blabbered something on his being a Parsee. He explained how the Parsees in India are very liberal. He cited the names of Ratan Tata and several others, even of those who had married French Catholic ladies without giving up their Parsee faith. The implication was that by virtue of the fact that Rajiv's father Feroz's mother used to be a Parsee woman (and that was prior to her niakaah), Rajiv too could marry Sonia sans relinquishing his Mohammedan creed. The problem that the nitwit Rajiv did not think about is that a man's faith is NOT determined by the religion of the mother and even more so when she changes her creed, just prior to wedding as Feroz's mother had done; she had become a Mohammedan woman at the time of her nikaah with the Sunni Mohammedan Nawab Khan. If Feroz is a Parsee then Pataudi and Ayesha Sultana's (aka Sharmila Tagore) son Seif Ali (the sword of Ali) is also a Hindu. However, Stephano was smart enough to call the bluff of Rajiv, who never has been known to be intelligent. From the BCCI, Bofors and the submarine deals, he has dropped the load everywhere to great dismay of his supporters. (Those who want to know further, please read up M.O. Mathai's books My Days With Nehru and Reminiscences of the Nehru Age, if you can at all procure them today. There M.O. Mathai (Nehru's P.A. for more than a decade) tells us of Nehru's chicanery fooling the Hindus of India when he announced the Vedic marriage between Feroz and Indira. According to Mathai, that was no marriage at all; such inter-faith weddings between Hindus and Mohammedans were illegal and hence, writes Mathai. Indira's two sons were bastards. India has thus been ruled for so many years by a dynasty of bastards!) But the old fashioned Stephano was not ready to listen to Rajiv's arguments. He said that in order to marry his daughter, Rajiv would have to accept Catholicism and become one. Stephano Maino may not be a Cambridge graduate (but then neither was Rajiv, inspite of all the brouhaha), he did not approve of an inter-faith wedding where his own daughter was a party. And behold, Rajiv became a Catholic. Now, readers! Please remember by this simple act that took place in far away and unknown Orbassano, Rajiv, the grandson of Nawab Khan, the Sunni liquor merchant, became punishable by death! Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam. Measures were taken to keep this information on Rajiv's change of faith quiet. India's Mohammedans did not make much noise for the ante was too high. Sonia came to India as Rajiv's wife, with her father's blessings, but as an Italian Catholic citizen which she remained for decades. She was no burden to her husband. She dabbled in insurance business. Who in India would not run to an insurance agent like Sonia? She was making bags of money in our poor India until the matter was brought to light and such activities were stopped forthwith. Then Rajiv, still an Indian husband of an Italian wife, willy nilly went on with his air plane second pilot's job until the time came to take over from her assassinated mother. A share of the sins from subsequent mass slaughter of India's Sikhs bothered Sonia and her advisors (like Mani Shankar Liars et al) suggested garlanding of Bhagat Singh's pictures in public for an eventual redemption. However, that did not work as we all know. No doubt this ragazza (girl, in Italian) has come a long way. She had to become an Indian citizen to enable her husband to become the Prime Minister. We know the subsequent incidents and anecdotes. How the wily Sonia was instrumental in the Pope's arrival in India after the eye-wash of a fictitious 'Ganga-cleaning', which remained unclean even after the Pope had left for the Vatican! It was then that the Catholic couple (they had not done so all these years!) started visiting Hindu temples with vermilion-smeared foreheads, in saris and dhoties. Sonia was made the life-time chair-person of the million-dollar Rajiv Gandhi Fund. Money was coming in like it was no body's business. From the BCCI, from the Bofors deal, the submarine deal, while Catholic convents were being built with India's money, some 500 of them, to vie with Mother Teresa. It was at this time of the post-Rajiv period, this young woman went to Japan (please look up the Soka Gakkai International edition of that year) where she lectured that in the matter of divinity both Gandhi and Nehru were of the same level as the Lord Gautama Buddha. At one stroke, the entire Japanese nation was red in anger. And this is the person who in her big expensive book on the late Rajiv, prepared by a hack-writer under the guidance of Sonia, had stated that her knowledge of India was very limited when she first met Rajiv at that Italian eatery in the back streets of Cambridge. Then she knew India to be only a land of snakes and tigers. She had never heard of Gautama Buddha or of Hinduism or even of Islam! The lady has well-paid and competent teachers. Money has always been abundant; even after she had transferred all those millions of dollars from India to London (one would like to know under which law this could be done and by whose orders?) and after the Baring Bank (where she had deposited all the Rajiv Gandhi Fund money) had turned turtle, one wonders who gave permission to replenish all that lost money in full? Now she has become a past mistress in chicanery, Sicilian style. Christian Bhil boys rape Christian Bhil women and Hindu boys get the blame for having raped Christian nuns. The false news is broadcast all over the Christian world and our wide-eyed BJP babes-in-the-wood cannot even protest! In faltering Hindi she reads to Hindu listeners that 'the soil of India is as pure to her as the vermilion of her forehead'; that 'she would like to breathe her last only in this land of virtue' and so on and then abruptly turns round, and like an ill-bred street woman starts calling respectable Indian leaders like Vajpayee, 'a liar'! (Afterword: Readers! We have not heard the last of this babe. Unless our Gods take care of such insult of our ancient nation by this broad, who also is a fraud, like they had done with the entire Gandhi-Nehru dynasty within the span of a few years, she is going to be a nuisance and our people would have to suffer! Time has come for our people to take notice and to watch every movement of the signora, and NOT leave our affairs totally in the hands of incompetent leaders! She has already dubbed Vajpayee a liar; wait till she comes up with choice Italian swear words for us too! )
A Visit to Orbassano, Sonia's Birth Place It has been a great tragedy that for the last several centuries our
people have been kept in the dark about the true identity of our rulers. I am not speaking here of our common people who, in great measure, have been denied education and literacy, induced to lay down their lives in battles, almost like mercenaries; I am speaking here of our so called educated men who are more eager to know about lesbianism, an Islamic phenomenon, born in harems, than about the antecedents of their own foreign-born rulers. The thing has deteriorated so much that the entire country happily romps around today, with a foreign born woman of unknown pedigree. Yes, I am speaking here of Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the late Rajiv Roberto Gandhi, hell bent to destroy India's culture, religion and its people. Did you notice that we are never told about the roots of Sonia, her background, her family, how many brothers and sisters she has, the
name of her father, his profession, which town or village she comes from, in small little things that familiarize the people with the self-appointed ruler by virtue of an accidental wedding abroad? In India, we are not told the name of Rajiv's paternal grandfather or how did the universal uncle Jawahar Lal died or wherefrom did the adjunct 'Nehru' come from! Moti Lal's father's name was Ganga Dhar; why then Moti Lal was not named Moti Lal Dhar? And so on and so forth; we have a great deal of unknowns to discover and be familiar with. I therefore set out to discover myself the small village where Sonia hails from.
After some inquiries, I discovered that Sonia was born some 52 years ago in the small village called Orbassano, just outside Turin (called Torino in Italian), in the north of the country, at the foothills of
the Alps.)" " The next night I invited the two Italian getlemen to dine with me. I asked them what they knew about the love affair between Rajiv (il presidente indiano), a Mohammedan boy and Sonia, a thoroughbred
'cattolica' of Orbassano. Didn't her father have anything to say to this inter-faith marriage? I was told that Sonia's father, a simple man named Stephano Maino, used to be a staunch fascist (never mind Sonia's leftist stance today) and supporter of Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy then. Stephano was an upcoming party-man at the time. He was among those hoodlums who used to round up leftists and force feed them with bottles of castor oil. This was common at the time, all over Italy. The men would vomit and foul their pants, would
be ridiculed in public and punished by long jail sentences so that their will could be broken. And in due course Stephano rose in ranks and eventually was sent to the eastern front to fight the Russians. He was captured and had to pass many months in Russian prison camps where he, for the first time came in touch with Russian women jail-keepers with names like Sonia and Marouchka. It was after his return from the front, after the war was over, that Stephano returned home in Orbassano and sired the two daughters, whom he named with Russian
names, Sonia and Marouchka. He became a contractor of some sort and no longer a party-man; there was no party then! On the subject of the inter-religious marriage with Rajiv, the 'indiano', I was told that Stephano was too angry at first to give his blessing to the marriage. At the beginning, Rajiv denied his Islamic roots and blabbered something on his being a Parsee. He explained how the Parsees in India are very liberal. He cited the names of Ratan Tata and several others, even of those who had married French Catholic ladies without giving up their Parsee faith. The implication was that by virtue of the fact that Rajiv's father Feroz's mother used to be a Parsee woman (and that was prior to her niakaah), Rajiv too could marry Sonia sans relinquishing his Mohammedan creed. The problem that the nitwit Rajiv did not think about is that a man's faith is NOT
determined by the religion of the mother and even more so when she changes her creed, just prior to wedding as Feroz's mother had done; she had become a Mohammedan woman at the time of her nikaah with the
Sunni Mohammedan Nawab Khan. If Feroz is a Parsee then Pataudi and Ayesha Sultana's (aka Sharmila Tagore) son Seif Ali (the sword of Ali) is also a Hindu. However, Stephano was smart enough to call the bluff
of Rajiv, who never has been known to be intelligent. From the BCCI, Bofors and the submarine deals, he has dropped the load everywhere to great dismay of his supporters. (Those who want to know further,
please read up M.O. Mathai's books My Days With Nehru and Reminiscences of the Nehru Age, if you can at all procure them today. There M.O. Mathai (Nehru's P.A. for more than a decade) tells us of Nehru's chicanery fooling the Hindus of India when he announced the Vedic marriage between Feroz and Indira. According to Mathai, that was no marriage at all; such inter-faith weddings between Hindus and Mohammedans were illegal and hence, writes Mathai. Indira's two sons were bastards. India has thus been ruled for so many years by a
dynasty of bastards!) But the old fashioned Stephano was not ready to listen to Rajiv's arguments. He said that in order to marry his daughter, Rajiv would have to accept Catholicism and become one. Stephano Maino may not be a Cambridge graduate (but then neither was Rajiv, inspite of all the brouhaha), he did not approve of an inter-faith wedding where his own daughter was a party. And behold, Rajiv became a Catholic. Now, readers! Please remember by this simple act that took place in far away and unknown Orbassano, Rajiv, the grandson of Nawab Khan, the Sunni liquor merchant, became punishable by death! Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam. Measures were taken to keep this information on Rajiv's change of faith quiet. India's Mohammedans did
not make much noise for the ante was too high. Sonia came to India as Rajiv's wife, with her father's blessings, but as an Italian Catholic citizen which she remained for decades. She was no burden to her husband. She dabbled in insurance business. Who in India would not run to an insurance agent like Sonia? She was
making bags of money in our poor India until the matter was brought to light and such activities were stopped forthwith. Then Rajiv, still an Indian husband of an Italian wife, willy nilly went on with his air
plane second pilot's job until the time came to take over from her assassinated mother. A share of the sins from subsequent mass slaughter of India's Sikhs bothered Sonia and her advisors (like Mani Shankar Liars et al) suggested garlanding of Bhagat Singh's pictures in public for an eventual redemption. However, that did not work as we all know. No doubt this ragazza (girl, in Italian) has come a long way. She had to become an Indian citizen to enable her husband to become the Prime Minister. We know the subsequent incidents and anecdotes. How the wily Sonia was instrumental in the Pope's arrival in India after the eye-wash of a fictitious 'Ganga-cleaning', which remained unclean even after the Pope had left for the Vatican! It was then that the Catholic
couple (they had not done so all these years!) started visiting Hindu temples with vermilion-smeared foreheads, in saris and dhoties. Sonia was made the life-time chair-person of the million-dollar Rajiv Gandhi Fund. Money was coming in like it was no body's business. From the BCCI, from the Bofors deal, the submarine deal, while Catholic convents were being built with India's money, some 500 of them, to vie with Mother Teresa. It was at this time of the post-Rajiv period, this young woman went to Japan (please look up the Soka Gakkai
International edition of that year) where she lectured that in the matter of divinity both Gandhi and Nehru were of the same level as the Lord Gautama Buddha. At one stroke, the entire Japanese nation was red in anger. And this is the person who in her big expensive book on the late Rajiv, prepared by a hack-writer under the guidance of Sonia, had stated that her knowledge of India was very limited when she first met Rajiv at that Italian eatery in the back streets of Cambridge. Then she knew India to be only a land of snakes and tigers. She had never
heard of Gautama Buddha or of Hinduism or even of Islam! The lady has well-paid and competent teachers. Money has always been abundant; even after she had transferred all those millions of dollars from India to London (one would like to know under which law this could be done and by whose orders?) and after the Baring Bank (where she had deposited all the Rajiv Gandhi Fund money) had turned turtle,one wonders who gave permission to replenish all that lost money in full? Now she has become a past mistress in chicanery, Sicilian style. Christian Bhil boys rape Christian Bhil women and Hindu boys get the blame for having raped Christian nuns. The false news is broadcast all over the Christian world and our wide-eyed BJP babes-in-the-wood cannot even protest! In faltering Hindi she reads to Hindu listeners that 'the soil of India is as pure to her as the vermilion of her forehead'; that 'she would like to breathe her last only in this land of virtue' and so on and then abruptly turns round, and like an ill-bred street woman starts calling respectable Indian leaders like Vajpayee, 'a liar'! (Afterword: Readers! We have not heard the last of this babe. Unless our Gods take care of such insult of our ancient nation by this broad, who also is a fraud, like they had done with the entire Gandhi-Nehru dynasty within the span of a few years, she is going to be a nuisance and our people would have to suffer! Time has come for our people to take notice and to watch every movement of the signora, and NOT leave our affairs totally in the hands of incompetent leaders! She has already dubbed Vajpayee a liar; wait till she comes up with choice Italian swear words for us too!

Victims caught in terrorist atrocities perpetrated for Islam typically experience fear, torture, horror, and murder, with sirens screaming, snipers positioning, and carnage in the streets.

Victims caught in terrorist atrocities perpetrated for Islam typically experience fear, torture, horror, and murder, with sirens screaming, snipers positioning, and carnage in the streets. That was the case recently in Bombay (now called Mumbai), where some 195 people were murdered and 300 injured. But for the real target of Islamist terror, the world at large, the experience has become numbed, with apologetics and justification muting repulsion and shock.

If terrorism ranks among the cruelest and most inhumane forms of warfare, excruciating in its small-bore viciousness and intentional pain, Islamist terrorism has also become well-rehearsed political theater. Actors fulfill their scripted roles, then shuffle, soon forgotten, off the stage.

Indeed, as one reflects on the most publicized episodes of Islamist terror against Westerners since 9/11 – the attack on Australians in Bali, on Spaniards in Madrid, on Russians in Beslan, on Britons in London – a twofold pattern emerges: Muslim exultation and Western denial. The same tragedy replays itself, with only names changed.

Muslim exaltation: The Mumbai assault inspired occasional condemnations, hushed official regrets, and cornucopias of unofficial enthusiasm. As the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center notes, the Iranian and Syrian governments exploited the event "to assail the United States, Israel and the Zionist movement, and to represent them as responsible for terrorism in India and the world in general." Al-Jazeera's website overflowed with comments such as "Allah, grant victory to Muslims. Allah, grant victory to jihad" and "The killing of a Jewish rabbi and his wife in the Jewish center in Mumbai is heartwarming news."

Such supremacism and bigotry can no longer surprise, given the well-documented, world-wide acceptance of terror among many Muslims. For example, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press conducted an attitudinal survey in spring 2006, "The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other." Its polls of about one thousand persons in each of ten Muslim populations found a perilously high proportion of Muslims who, on occasion, justify suicide bombing: 13 percent in Germany, 22 percent in Pakistan, 26 percent in Turkey, and 69 percent in Nigeria.

A frightening portion also declared some degree of confidence in Osama bin Laden: 8 percent in Turkey, 48 percent in Pakistan, 68 percent in Egypt, and 72 percent in Nigeria. As I concluded in a 2006 review of the Pew survey, "These appalling numbers suggest that terrorism by Muslims has deep roots and will remain a danger for years to come." Obvious conclusion, no?

Western denial: No. The fact that terrorist fish are swimming in a hospitable Muslim sea nearly disappears amidst Western political, journalistic, and academic bleatings. Call it political correctness, multiculturalism, or self-loathing; whatever the name, this mentality produces delusion and dithering.

Nomenclature lays bare this denial. When a sole jihadist strikes, politicians, law enforcement, and media join forces to deny even the fact of terrorism; and when all must concede the terrorist nature of an attack, as in Mumbai, a pedantic establishment twists itself into knots to avoid blaming terrorists.

I documented this avoidance by listing the twenty (!) euphemisms the press unearthed to describe Islamists who attacked a school in Beslan in 2004: activists, assailants, attackers, bombers, captors, commandos, criminals, extremists, fighters, group, guerrillas, gunmen, hostage-takers, insurgents, kidnappers, militants, perpetrators, radicals, rebels, and separatists – anything but terrorists.

And if terrorist is impolite, adjectives such as Islamist, Islamic, and Muslim become unmentionable. My blog titled "Not Calling Islamism the Enemy" provides copious examples of this avoidance, along with its motives. In short, those who would replace War on Terror with A Global Struggle for Security and Progress imagine this linguistic gambit will win over Muslim hearts and minds.

Post-Mumbai, analysts such as Steven Emerson, Don Feder, Lela Gilbert, Caroline Glick, Tom Gross, William Kristol, Dorothy Rabinowitz, and Mark Steyn again noted various aspects of this futile linguistic behavior, with Emerson bitterly concluding that "After more than 7 years since 9/11, we can now issue a verdict: Islamic terrorists have won our hearts and minds."

What finally will rouse Westerners from their stupor, to name the enemy and fight the war to victory? Only one thing seems likely: massive deaths, say 100,000 casualties in a single WMD attack. Short of that, it appears, much of the West, contently deploying defensive measures against fancifully-described "activists," will gently slumber on.

, Indian Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for Ahmadabad and Surat serial blasts. It has also issued death threats to Bol­lywood's Muslim actors, Shah Rukh, Aamir, Salman and Saif asking them, to stop acting in movies immedi­ately or "we are ready for order to kill you”.

On Terrorism in Karnataka, Bangalore, Gujrat, Ahmedabad and Surat in the last week of July, 2000
Possible Headings,
Doctor, Give A Strong Medicine
The terrorists have struck again, in Bangalore, Ahmedabad, and Surat, in July, 2008 sending a reminder that they can strike at will at any place in the country. They have  used Integrated circuits, timers  and chips, for the first time in their attacks, revealing that it is the highly educated and technology savvy terrorists, groups, who are behind this mayhem.
Another new factor, is the use of  gas cylinders placed with the bomb that killed 26 persons at the emergency ward of a civil hospital in Ahmedabad. Such a technique was used in last year's Glasgow airport terror attack in UK, where Indian engineer Kafeel Ahmed, in­doctrinated by Al Qaeda, and his accomplice rammed a jeep laden with explosives and gas cylinders into the airport terminal, of Glasgow in 2005. THE use of integrated circuit (IC) chips in bombs unearthed in Bangalore and Surat, and gas cylinders in car blasts at an Ahmedabad hospital, have confirmed suspicion of intelli­gence agencies that the attacks, though planned and executed by local outfits, may have been inspired by an highly-organised for­eign mastermind.
.. Eight  blasts rocked Bangalore on Friday, July 25, 2008 between 1 PM and 3 PM, and 19 in Gujrat next day.
 Central Government claims in all such cases that State Governments were advised to take preventive measures, about the likelihood of such terrorists attacks. Unfortunately, all such advisories, are only a sort of general sermons, which include all possible targets, which anybody, without even being, in the Intelligence Agencies  can envisage.
There is no specific or actionable intelligence. 
               To recapitulate, 57 Bomb blasts in Bangalore, Ahmedabad , and Surat, which left about 70 dead and over 200 injured, in the last week of July, 2008 shows that the terrorists are now striking at the hubs of Indian Economy, in South and West. Both Karnataka and Gujrat have been attracting a lot of investment in IT, Biotechnical and manufacturing and power sectors,.  As many as  19 Bombs were diffused in Surat in one day.
The May, 2008 attack in Jaipur was also a part of the above series to scare away foreign tourists from Rajasthan, which attracts more than 1.2 Million tourists.  The case has been reportedly cracked by Gujrat Police and SIMI is said to be at the back of all blasts. The reason for the blasts in hospitals is that Doctors, reported there turned away the injured and seriously sick Muslim victims, of alleged atrocities on them.
It is reported that in the Union Cabinet Meeting held, after the blast, the first salvo was fired by a non-Con­gress Cabinet minister, who brought up the" issue of back-to-back serial bomb blasts in Ban­galore and Ahmedabad over the week end. So perturbed was he that he did not even care for conventional niceties. Another Minister confided to some reporters, before asking them about the latest news in Surat,  "I think there is more in­formation in the newspapers than in what the Home Min­ister told us, ( in the Cabinet Meeting}" . Unfortunately, we have Ministers in the Union Cabinet, who for the sake of votes, welcomed the lifting of the ban on SIMI. They did it in the hope that they would be regarded as the Messiahas of SIMI and their followers and would automatically get their votes.
The following other recent and important terrorist attacks have left a lot of deadly trail behind.
 Jaipur serial blasts (May 13,2008) Sixty-nine killed, 100 injured.
■ Attack on CRPF Group Centre at Rampur January 1, 2008)
Seven CRPF personnel & a civilian killed, five injured.
■ Ajmer blasts {October 11, 2007)
Three killed, 28 injured.
 Mecca Masjid blasts (May 18, 2007), Hyderabad Ten killed, 50 injured.
  Samjhauta    Express    blasts (February 18/19, 2007)
Sixty-seven killed, dozens injured.
Whatever quibbling, may be done, in apportioning the blame, that the law and order is a State subject, there is no doubt, that there has been and is a continuing  major failure, of  counter-terrorism response   of the Government.
The political response of  the country determines its response to militancy. The only person to come against terrorism and advocating "bullet for bullet" approach to combat terrorism, apart from Mr. Advani, is the  Jammu and Kash­mir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad. He says  "How can you initiate talks with terrorists, who after attaining training from across the border, come to kill you? Either you have to kill him, otherwise you will be killed… We may have talks with the neighbouring country but as far as terrorism goes, there can be no tolerance towards terrorists and they should be dealt with a stern hand. We are in favour of talks and peace but cannot tolerate talks and terror together."
The terrorists group calling itself, Indian Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for Ahmadabad and Surat serial blasts. It  has also  issued death threats to Bol­lywood's Muslim actors, Shah Rukh, Aamir, Salman and Saif asking them, to stop acting in movies immedi­ately or "we are ready for order to kill you”.
. The targeting of Bangalore,  the IT capital of the country, Ahmedabad , the emerging financial hub, next to Mumbai and Surat, the capital of India’s diamond industry shows, that the terrorist were clear in their mind about the targets, objectives and their strategies of crippling India, both economically and politically .
Unfortunately, whenever a terrorists incident happens, you can anticipate the standard response and even the language.  from the leaders. They use the following sentences; “It is a cowardly attack, and that innocents have been made target and that very strict action will be taken against the perpetrators”. But the ground reality, is that after a visit to the scene of terrorists attack, a few statements, and announcement of compensation, by the Government to salve its own conscience, and to pay for its failure, things are back to the usual routine, till the next incident.
The sufferer in this is the common man, who has to bear the brunt of the burden of such attack, as the leaders are safe with their huge paraphernalia of security. The steps to rectify,  the situation, need to be taken, at the legal , diplomatic and people’s level.
At all sensitive places,  either the Government or the Association of the Traders, and businessmen, or Residents,   CCTV ( Close Circuit Television Cameras), be installed who should record quietly, whatever is going on in any given market or place. New York has more than 50000 such camera. Incidentally perpetrators of London Bombing of 2005, were nabbed with the help of CCTV Camera recordings. These cameras, apart from keeping a record of suspicious activities of likely terrorists, can also help in detecting the incidents of traf­fic violations, eve-teasing and other crimes like  pick pocketing, chain-snatchers and  rash driving.
The Central Government should set up world class Forensic Science Laboratories in every State Capital, of which there is a woeful dearth, apart from pulling up Intelligence Agencies, for their failures. The technology expert terrorists need to be  met at their own turf,  
              The Government is giving an impression of being soft on terrorists. All over the world, including in the oldest democracies, laws have been turned upside down to deal with terrorists. But in India, we still have the laws given to us, by the British, in 1863, on the ground that the old laws are sufficient. It is time to bring the new laws on terrorism, throwing the onus, on the terrorists to prove that he is not involved in the incident alleged. Every arrested terrorist must be got subjected to Narco Analysis test, to find out his other colleagues and associates involved in the crime. Political parties naturally play politics in every thing they do. It is for this reason that a MOCOCA type of law, which is in force in Maharashtra, has not been allowed to in place in Gujrat, Rajasthan, and  Himachal Pradesh. It is the use of Central Power to deny to some States, the legal weapon
It is now,  more than over due, that the National Security should be kept outside the politics and terrorism should be treated as a National Threat and not an excuse for vote politics. We have been hearing for a long time, about the need to have a National Federal Investigating Agency, to cover crimes like terrorism. The Centre-state conflict over the proposed federal agency seems all the more untenable considering that if  US A can have an FBI despite a full-fledged federal system in which states have far greater autonomy than they do in India, why not India?
In fact, the top investigative priority of FBI is "protect the United States from terrorist attack". There is simply, no such investigative agency in India mandated to take on terror at the national level. The CBI, which is primarily meant to deal with corruption, comes in if and when a state refers a terror case to it.
 If the Central Government wishes, and has a will, it  can have an ordinance issued, creating a Federal agency, which will function in the States, with their consent. In this climate, there is hardly any State, which will not give its consent. The Centre should strike to create such an agency, when the iron is hot. It must be clearly understood, that in a country of our size and population, it is almost impossible to get any consensus on any issue. But it is the job of the leaders, to lead the country and show  the will,  in the National Interest. Our leaders must understand, that they are leaders and not managers. Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

Joginder Singh, IPS (Retd.) Former Director, CBI, India, 123-124, Nav Sansad Vihar, CGHS, Sector 22, Plot Number 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110077  Telephone; 28052742, Number and Address, in Punjab Jalalabad (west) District; Ferozpore, Pin code; 152024,
 ( Correspondence by E Mail, cuts time and is  prompt. Please use E Mail, if possible)

Joginder Singh, IPS (Retd.) Former Director, CBI, India, 123-124, Nav Sansad Vihar, CGHS, Sector 22, Plot Number 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075  Telephone; 28052742,  Number and Address, in Punjab Jalalabad (west) District; Ferozpore, Pin code; 152024, Email; jogindersinghfdips@hotmail.com
Mobile  98107 55087